
The Importance of PCI Compliance

If your business accepts credit and debit card payments, you’ll need to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standard. In the past, it wasn’t uncommon for businesses to exclusively accept cash payments. But this is no longer the case with modern businesses. Research shows that roughly two-thirds of all transactions involve a credit or debit card. You can’t ignore PCI compliance, however, when accepting credit or debit card payments.

What Is PCI Compliance?

PCI compliance involves the implementation of safeguards that are designed to protect the privacy and information of cardholders. Cardholders are customers. If your business accepts credit and debit card payments, you’ll have to access to sensitive information. Among other things, you’ll know cardholders’ names, addresses, card numbers and more. PCI compliance is all about protecting this information by following a set of rules.

It’s Required

PCI compliance isn’t optional. Assuming your business accepts credit and debit card payments, you’ll have to comply with the PCI standard. Otherwise, you could lose your ability to accept and process card payments. All of the major card companies require businesses to comply with the PCI standard. Failure to comply with the PCI standard could result in your business losing the ability to accept and process card payments.

Protects Against Data Breaches

Another reason PCI compliance is important is that it protects against data breaches. Data breaches can strike businesses of all sizes. While some people assume that only large businesses suffer data breaches, small businesses often have higher rates of data breaches. This is because small businesses have weaker security, so they are viewed as low-hanging fruit by attackers. Regardless of your business’s size, you should comply with the PCI standard. PCI compliance will protect your business from data breaches by improving its overall security.

Preserves Reputation

To preserve your business’s reputation, you need to comply with the PCI standard. PCI compliance will protect customers’ information. Customers will be able to make credit and debit card payments without fear of having their information stolen and used for nefarious purposes. As a result, your business will maintain a positive reputation. Neglecting to comply with the PCI standard, on the other hand, could result in data breaches. Customers’ information could be exposed, in which case they may have a poorer and more negative perception of your business.

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