
How to Replace Your Accountant’s Copy in Quickbooks

Does your business have a professional accountant who’s responsible for tracking revenue, expenses and performing other accounting activities? If so, you should consider using a Quickbooks accountant’s copy. An accountant’s copy is a packaged version of your business’s company file in Quickbooks. As the name suggests, however, it’s designed for accountants. But what if you need to replace your accountant’s copy? Maybe your current accountant’s copy is corrupted, or perhaps it contains incorrect data. Regardless, you can replace your accountant’s copy in just a few easy steps.

Step #1) Create a Backup

Before attempting to replace your accountant’s copy, you should create a backup. You can reverse or otherwise undo the changes when replacing your accountant’s copy. Rather, you’ll lose your original accountant’s copy while generating a new accountant’s copy in the process. Therefore, it’s a good idea to create a backup before replacing your accountant’s copy. If you happen to lose any important data, you can retrieve it from the backup.

Step #2) Access the ‘File’ Menu

After creating a backup, access the “File” menu from the home screen of Quickbooks. You should see several options under this menu. Find and click the option titled “Send Company File.” Next, select “Accountant’s copy.”

Step #3) Remove Restrictions

To replace your accountant’s copy, you’ll need to remove the restrictions from it. From the “Accountant’s copy” section, find and select “Client Activities.” You should then see an option for “Remove Restrictions.” Clicking this option will bring up a confirmation screen asking you to verify that you wish to remove restrictions from your accountant’s copy. Upon selecting “OK,” Quickbooks will delink your existing accountant’s copy to your business’s company file.

How does the removal of restrictions allow you to replace your accountant’s copy exactly? Normally, any changes made to your accountant’s copy will be reflected upon your business’s company file. If a new account is added to your accountant’s copy, for example, it will be automatically added to your business’s company file as well. Removing the restrictions from your accountant’s copy, though, breaks this link. Your old accountant’s copy will no longer be linked to your business’s company file. Instead, you’ll have a new accountant’s copy that’s linked to your businesss’ company file.

Assuming you followed the steps outlined above, you should now have a new accountant’s copy. You can send this copy to your professional accountant so that he or she can make changes to your business’s company file.

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