
How to Delete a Sales Receipt From a Deposit in Quickbooks

Are you struggling to delete a sales receipt from a deposit in your Quickbooks account? Well, you aren’t alone. Any payment or sales receipt that’s connected to a deposit can’t be edited in Quickbooks. You can, however, delete it and add it back. This is the recommended solution for editing a sales receipt that’s deposited. For a step-by-step walkthrough on how to delete a sales receipt from a deposit in Quickbooks, keep reading.

To get started, log in to your Quickbooks account and click the gear icon at the top of the page, followed by “Chart of Accounts/Account and Settings.” Next, click “View Register/Account History” for the number associated with the account. You’ll then see a list of all transactions tied to that account. Scroll through this list of transactions until you find the transaction with the incorrect sales receipt. You can then click “deposit” in the register, followed by “Edit” to open the transaction. If done correctly, Quickbooks will bring up the “Deposits” menu.

You aren’t out of the woods just yet, as there are a few additional steps required to delete a sales receipt from a deposit. You’ll need to click the incorrect sales receipt so that it removes the check mark next to it. This will also delete the payment from the deposit. When finished, click “Save,” after which Quickbooks will ask you to confirm the process, in which case you can click “Yes.”

Following these steps will allow you to delete a sales receipt from a deposit. But what if you want to edit the payment? To edit the balance of the payment, click on it from the main screen, at which point you’ll see the “Deposits” menu open. You can then click on the unchecked payment to see the “Sales receipt” menu. From here, you can edit the total of the payment, followed by clicking “Save” to finish the process. Like before, though, Quickbooks will prompt you to confirm the process. Assuming everything looks good, click “Yes” to the message.

Finally, you’ll need to replace the payment by clicking the box next to the “Payment” column of the payment that you recently edited. When finished, click “Save” and then “Yes” to the message asking you to confirm the process. Following these steps will allow you to delete a sales receipt from a deposit or edit the payment on a sales receipt.

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