
Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Quickbooks

calculator-178127_960_720As a small business owner, you are probably well aware of the importance of keeping good financial records. From receipts and invoices to income statements and paystubs, maintaining good records is essential when running any type of business. Thankfully, the right accounting software can make this process a breeze, simplifying and facilitating the otherwise tedious and time-consuming task of accounting. So, what makes Quickbooks the preferred choice among seasoned small business owners? Check out some of the benefits it offers listed below.

Backed by Intuit

With Quickbooks, you can rest assured knowing that it’s backed by one of the most trusted and reputable companies in the world. Intuit has been a leading player in the tax/accounting market for more than a decade now, and there’s no signs of this changing anytime soon. If you ever encounter a problem when using Quickbooks, you’ll have no problem finding a solution thanks to their unparalleled customer support.

Access Anywhere, Anytime

Assuming you choose either Quickbooks Online or Hosted Quickbooks, you’ll have the freedom to access your account from any Internet-connected computer or device. Whether you are working at the office, or if you are hundreds of miles away on vacation, you can access your Quickbooks account. The convenience of accessibility is just one of the many reasons why Quickbooks is the preferred choice of accounting software among small business owners.

Supports Excel Files

Have an excel file that you would like to import into Quickbooks? This is another task that Quickbooks is capable of performing. It’s cross-compatible with Excel, Word and other leading file types, meaning you don’t have to worry about manually entering each field into your account. Just import the file and Quickbooks does the rest.

Mobile Apps

Quickbooks also has some pretty convenient apps available for use. Using these apps, you can connect to your account and perform other accounting tasks like checking your balances and even sending invoices.


Cyber threats have become a serious problem for small business owners. If a hacker were to access and delete your data, would your business be able to stay afloat? The good news is that Quickbooks offers a highly secure platform on which to perform your small business accounting; thus, reducing the risk of a cyber attack.

Did we leave out any other benefits? Let us know in the comments section below!

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