
How To Print Form 1099-MISC In Quickbooks

Photoxpress_6294006Can’t seem to find the “print” button for a 1099-MISC form in Quickbooks? The 1099 Form is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax return document that’s used by small business owners and independent contractors to report miscellaneous income earned during the respective calendar year.

To print a 1099 Form in Quickbooks, you must first sign in as single-user mode. If you are signed in as multiple-user mode, you won’t be able to print this key tax return document. Once you are signed into Quickbooks as single-user mode, verify all of your 1099 forms using the software’s built-in Wizard tool. This is done by accessing Vendors > Print > E-file 1099s, at which point the Wizard will verify all of the information within your 1099s, including vendors, accounts, amounts, etc.

Use the QuickBooks 1099 Wizard (Vendors > Print/E-file 1099s) to verify all your 1099 information (vendors, accounts, and amounts) before printing the forms. Next, double-check your printer to ensure it’s powered up. I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it’s often the little things that leave users stumped when attempting to print forms.

Rather than using plain white paper to print your forms, it’s recommended that you use pre-printed 1099-MISC forms. These can be purchased from most office supply stores as well as through the IRS.

As noted on the official Intuit website, users with page-oriented printers should print copies separately rather than all at once. Furthermore, do not attempt to collate your pre-printed 1099-MISC forms before placing them in the printer. Load all of the Copy 1 forms, and once they are finished printing, load the Copy 2 forms for print.

After following the steps mentioned above, click the “Print 1099s” to initiate the built-in Wizard. You’ll need to choose a filing method and time period for which the forms were received, at which point you can click OK to begin printing.

Before Quickbooks actually prints your forms, it will ask you to review the current 1099 vendor limits. You can do this by clicking the “Preview 1099” button, allowing you to check and verify the vendor’s address. If necessary,. click the magnifying glass icon to zoom in one the forms. Assuming everything is correct, click “Print 1099.”

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