
How To Edit Customer Information In Quickbooks

note_creative_author_260972_l Here’s a scenario to consider: a regular customer of your business has changed his or her address and now you’re left with the task of updating this information in your Quickbooks account. Leaving their old address in your account may result in future invoices, receipts or other documentation being sent to the wrong address. You can update customers’ information, however, by performing just a few basic steps in your Quickbooks account.

There Are Two Ways To Edit Customer Information

Note: customer information can be edited in two different ways: manually editing the information by hand (the method we’re going to discuss here), or pasting bulk changes from a Microsoft Excel file. If you only have a couple of changes to make, this method will suffice. If you have several different changes to make, however, you should skip this method and paste from Microsoft Excel instead.

How To Edit Customer Information

To edit a customer’s information in your Quickbooks account, access the Customer Center from the main portal. Click the Customer & Jobs tab and select the customer of whom’s information you wish to edit. In the Edit Customer window, verify the customer’s name is accurate. You can also use this time to adjust the current balance if you accidentally entered it incorrectly during the initial setup.

If there are no transactions tied to the customer’s account, you can change their currency in the Edit Customer window. This is helpful for setting up accounts from foreign customers who pay in non-dollar currencies. Remember, though, this information can only be changed if no previous transactions have been made. If a previous transaction has been made, you must set up a new customer or vendor and assign the correct currency to it.

You’ll have the option to edit a variety of different customer information fields in the Edit Customer window. Under the Address Info tab, the customer’s address (or addresses) will be listed, along with their respective contact information. Take a moment to go through this information to ensure it’s accurate and up to date. When you are finished, move on to the customer’s type, term, tax and price information, which is included in the Additional Info tab. The Payment Info tab offers an even greater level of customization, as it allows you to change the customer’s account number, credit limit and preferred method of payment.

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